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3. oktober 2022

Mobilnost S.T.E.M

V okviru projekta Erasmus+ KA2 S.T.E.M je po Turčiji in Litvi na vrsti kot gostitelj mobilnosti Šolski center Novo mesto. Gostje iz navedenih držav so se pri nas mudili v tednu od 26. do 30. septembra. V ponedeljek, 26. 9., jih je sprejel ravnatelj SEŠTG g. Boris Plut, osnovne informacije podala koordinatorica Erasmus+ KA2 projektov dr. Lorena Mihelač, dijaki SEŠTG in SSŠ pa so jih popeljali po ŠCNM.  Doc. dr. Igor Kovač jim je predstavil pomen internetne varnosti. Srečali so se tudi s predstavniki mestne občine Novo mesto. Dijaki so jim v SCIDROM-u ŠC Novo mesto pokazali svoje že končane projekte in projekte v nastajanju. Imeli so Arduino delavnice in delavnice o internetni varnosti. Spoznali so tudi Ljubljano, kjer so si ogledali Hišo iluzij in Hišo eksperimentov ter imeli vodeni ogled mesta. Ogledali so si tudi Novo mesto, Dolenjske Toplice ter Bistro, kjer so obiskali Tehniški muzej Slovenije. Za namestitev gostov je poskrbel Hotel Ravbar.
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As a part of the Erasmus+ KA2 S.T.E.M project, after Turkey and Lithuania, the school center Novo mesto is the next mobility host. Guests from the mentioned countries were being hosted during the week of September 26 to 30. On Monday, September 26, they were welcomed by the head of SEŠTG, Mr. Boris Plut, basic information was provided by Erasmus+ KA2 project coordinator dr. Lorena Mihelač, later the students of SEŠTG and SSŠ took them around ŠCNM. Doc. dr. Igor Kovač presented them topics regarding strategy of Internet security. They also met with representatives of the Novo mesto municipality.Our students showed our guests finished projects and projects in the making in the SCIDROM ŠC Novo mesto makerspace. Guest students had Arduino workshops and internet security workshops. They also got to know Ljubljana, where they saw the House of Illusions and the House of Experiments and had a guided tour of the city Ljubljana and Novo mesto. Our guests also visited Dolenjske Toplice wellness and the Technical Museum of Slovenia in Bistra. Accommodation was arranged by Hotel Ravbar.