Erasmus+ KA2 - 219-Math for life
Projekt "Matematika za vsakdanje življenje " je namenjen dijakom srednjih poklicnih, strokovnih šol in gimnazij. Je nastal na pobudo Inštituta Fermi-Gadda (Italija) in drugih partnerskih šol (Valsts Ventspils in Šolski center Novo mesto), da bi matematika postala privlačnejša in bi se z inovativnimi pristopi izboljšala učna uspešnost dijakov, glede na to, da je razvoj matematičnih veščin tesno povezan z uspešnimi rezultati na drugih ključnih področjih.
V dveletnem sodelovanju se bo iskal manj statičen pristop pri poučevanju matematike in poskušalo prikazati matematiko kot zanimiv predmet skozi iskanje vsebin iz vsakdanjega življenja, ki so na kakršen koli način povezani z matematiko. Projekt je odprt za dijake med 14. in 17. letom starosti in učiteljem matematike in / ali učiteljem predmetov, ki so povezani z matematiko.
Glavni cilji projekta so:
- izboljšanje poučevanja in učenja matematike v partnerskih šolah;
- povečanje vključenosti dijakov v pouk in motiviranje dijakov;
- prepričati dijake, da študij matematike ni dolgočasen in nepotreben;
- povečanje števila dijakov, da nadaljujejo študij ;
- spodbujanje dijaka, da išče vsebine povezane z matematiko in jih zna uporabiti v vsakdanjem življenju;
- poučevanje matematike z metodologijami, ki predvidevajo praktične vaje in so razumljive vsem;
- razvijanje učenja osnovnih veščin v povezavi s transverzalnimi veščinami in zmožnostjo medsebojnega in medkulturnega razumevanja;
- spodbujanje učenja tujih jezikov in usposabljanje za trg dela in specifične zahteve evropskega trga.
- izboljšanje poučevanja in učenja matematike v partnerskih šolah;
- povečanje vključenosti dijakov v pouk in motiviranje dijakov;
- prepričati dijake, da študij matematike ni dolgočasen in nepotreben;
- povečanje števila dijakov, da nadaljujejo študij ;
- spodbujanje dijaka, da išče vsebine povezane z matematiko in jih zna uporabiti v vsakdanjem življenju;
- poučevanje matematike z metodologijami, ki predvidevajo praktične vaje in so razumljive vsem;
- razvijanje učenja osnovnih veščin v povezavi s transverzalnimi veščinami in zmožnostjo medsebojnega in medkulturnega razumevanja;
- spodbujanje učenja tujih jezikov in usposabljanje za trg dela in specifične zahteve evropskega trga.
V času trajanja projekta bodo organizirana štiri transnacionalna srečanja, ki bodo potekala na partnerskih šolah in med katerimi bodo šole obravnavale vsa pomembna vprašanja za vodenje projektov in izmenjavo najboljših praks med partnerskimi šolami.
V projektu so predvidene naslednje aktivnosti:
4 Transnacionalna projektna srečanja – 2 učitelja iz vsake partnerske šole
4 Transnacionalna projektna srečanja – 2 učitelja iz vsake partnerske šole
1) Oktober 2017 in Novo Mesto, at Solski Center;
2) April 2018 – Napulj, Italija;
3) Februar 2019 - Ventspils - Valsts Ventspils 1.ģimnāzija, Latvija;
4) 15 Oktober - Napulj - Fermi – Gadda Institute.
Mobilnosti dijakov:
Pet dni, vsakič 10 dijakov in 1 spremljajoči učitelj.
1) Maj 2018 at the Fermi-Gadda Institute in Naples;
2) April (prvi teden) 2019 - Šolski Center Novo Mesto.
3) April (tretji teden) 2019 - Latvija
The main goal is common to all the participating schools considering that the Europe 2020 Strategy aims at lowering the percentage of 15 year-old students unable to read or study mathematics and science . Besides, the European labor market is increasingly demanding professional profiles related to the fields of mathematics, science and technology , so it is fundamental for the economy to increase the number of graduates with relevant skills in these areas.
The partnership will collaborate to develop a less static approach in the teaching of mathematics and allow students to change their perception of this subject, making them live activities with a deeper awareness and interest. One way to counteract these criticisms and act on the factors affecting the academic performance is organizing lessons on interdisciplinary topics that would help establish links with daily life and other subjects. The project is open to students between 14-17 years of age and teachers of mathematics and/or subjects related to it.
The main purposes are:
- improving the teaching and learning of mathematics within the partner schools;
- increasing students’ inclusion and motivation;
- counteracting the belief that studying is tedious and unnecessary, and coping with the phenomenon of early school leaving;
- increasing the number of students continuing their studies in the STEM disciplines;
- favoring teachers’ acquisition of a more engaging communication style;
- teaching mathematics using methodologies that foresee practical exercises and that can be available to everyone;
- developing the learning of basic skills in conjunction with transversal skills and with the ability of mutual and intercultural understanding;
- promoting the learning of foreign languages and the participation in a more European dimension of education, training and work.
- improving the teaching and learning of mathematics within the partner schools;
- increasing students’ inclusion and motivation;
- counteracting the belief that studying is tedious and unnecessary, and coping with the phenomenon of early school leaving;
- increasing the number of students continuing their studies in the STEM disciplines;
- favoring teachers’ acquisition of a more engaging communication style;
- teaching mathematics using methodologies that foresee practical exercises and that can be available to everyone;
- developing the learning of basic skills in conjunction with transversal skills and with the ability of mutual and intercultural understanding;
- promoting the learning of foreign languages and the participation in a more European dimension of education, training and work.
The partnership will organise four transnational meetings to be hosted at the partner schools and during which schools will be addressed all the relevant issues for the project management and exchange of best practices between the partner schools. During each meeting , special sessions will be held on every aspect of the project: budget control; carrying out of parallel activities within the school; dissemination activities; analysis of the reports prepared by the internal project team and of the data collected through monitoring and evaluation; risk and incident management. Two learning activities will be organised for students, the first at the Fermi-Gadda Institute (applicant) and the second at the headquarters of the Solski Center Novo Mesto.
The project foresees a significant impact on both the students and the teachers of the participating schools, as well as on every partner schools and on the partnership in general:
- improvement of mathematical skills and of the ability to apply mathematical reasoning;
- improving the approach to mathematics learning and changing the attitude of rejection of such discipline;
- improving the skills necessary for the teaching of mathematics in a more modern and innovative key;
- increased ability to engage students and prevent them to feel inadequate in their learning of mathematics;
- developing the ability to work cooperatively to face educational challenges and becoming pioneers of innovative approaches;
- reducing early school leaving and the number of non-admission to the following class;
- reduction in the number of students who need follow-up classes in maths;
- increase of students continuing their studies in the STEM disciplines.
Specifically, the project foresees the following mobility activities:
4 Transnational project meetings – 2 professors coming from each school partners:
1) October 2017 in Novo Mesto, at Solski Center;
2) April 2018 – place to define;
3) February 2019 in Ventspils at Valsts Ventspils 1.ģimnāzija;
4) 15 October in Naples at Fermi – Gadda Institute;
2 interchange activities lasting 5 days+ 2 travel days among students’ groups – each school will take part in these activities with a group composed by 10 students and 1 accompanying professor:
1) May 2018 at the Fermi-Gadda Institute in Naples;
2) March 2019 at Solski Center in Novo Mesto.
- improvement of mathematical skills and of the ability to apply mathematical reasoning;
- improving the approach to mathematics learning and changing the attitude of rejection of such discipline;
- improving the skills necessary for the teaching of mathematics in a more modern and innovative key;
- increased ability to engage students and prevent them to feel inadequate in their learning of mathematics;
- developing the ability to work cooperatively to face educational challenges and becoming pioneers of innovative approaches;
- reducing early school leaving and the number of non-admission to the following class;
- reduction in the number of students who need follow-up classes in maths;
- increase of students continuing their studies in the STEM disciplines.
Specifically, the project foresees the following mobility activities:
4 Transnational project meetings – 2 professors coming from each school partners:
1) October 2017 in Novo Mesto, at Solski Center;
2) April 2018 – place to define;
3) February 2019 in Ventspils at Valsts Ventspils 1.ģimnāzija;
4) 15 October in Naples at Fermi – Gadda Institute;
2 interchange activities lasting 5 days+ 2 travel days among students’ groups – each school will take part in these activities with a group composed by 10 students and 1 accompanying professor:
1) May 2018 at the Fermi-Gadda Institute in Naples;
2) March 2019 at Solski Center in Novo Mesto.
- Tekmovanje logotip
- Mobilnost dijakov iz ŠC Novo mesto v Italijo
- Projekt Math for daily life se predstavi na Facebooku
- Drugo Transnacionalno srečanje partnerjev v Italiji
- Prvo Transnacionalno srečanje partnerjev v Sloveniji
- Tretje transnationalno srečanje partnerjev Ventspils - Latvia
- Mobilnost latvijskih in italijanskih dijakov v Slovenijo
- Final meeting of the partners in Italy - Neapelj
- Textbook "Math for Daily Life"
- Why I like/dislike math?