
In 2008/09 we first started with the so-called Bologna scheme.  We carry out study programs:
  • Mechanical Engineering,
  • Environmental and Utility Protection,
  • Logistics Engineering,
  • Electronics,
  • Informatics,
  • Forestry,
  • Cosmetics and
  • Mechatronics.
All programs are implemented as full-time and part-time studies, except for the Logistics Engineering program, where we do not pursue full-time study. Distance studies are conducted by the program Mechanical Engineering at the Murska Sobota Dislocation.
These updated programs allow the students to get relevant knowledge and the qualification of  engineers of the selected programs in two study years. Within the Bologna programs, the ECTS (European Credit and Accumulation Transfer System)  enables comparability as well as transition between educational institutions. The employment of our graduates is excellent, there is no unemployment, and the demand for our students is even greater than their number. A more detailed presentation of the programs is presented in the brochures.