
The “Višja strokovna šola” was founded in 1996/97. The Organisation and  Financing of Education Act and the Vocational Education and Training Act (1996)  allowed an new element in the sphere of the tertiary education, i.e. vocational colleges to be established in co-operation with industry and employers.
The EU Phare support (within the Reform of Vocational Education and Training program, 1996-1998) was fundamental in establishing them.
From the very beginning the idea behind the project was to satisfy the demands of the labour markets based on analyses of current trends. The school concentrated its attention on the study of mechanical engineering, in order to satisfy the needs of the Dolenjska region and its economy (http://www.novomesto.si/si/gospodarstvo/obmocja/)
The Višja strokovna šola was one of the first in Slovenia to perceive how the world of economy and industry in Slovenia was evolving, and consequently it saw the need to update its programmes.
It is in 2001/2002 that we started environmental protection and communal studies. In 2002/2003 we started electronics and in 2005/2006 logistics. In 2009/2010 we started information science and wood technology. In 2011/2012 we started cosmetics. In 2019 we started mechatronics.